Our team is comprised of experts who are successful in their own areas of expertise. We can take your book from concept to completed work and assist you in marketing your work locally, nationally and internationally. We have an amazing team who can “ghost-write” your book from notes on a napkin or from your personal journal.
Let OUR TEAM be your midwife in assisting you to birth your baby.
Meet Our Team:
Cenece Dixon Publishing is committed to walking aspiring authors through a step by step process of how to write, publish and market their book.
When you publish via Cenece Dixon Publishing you receive 100% profit for we are not here to gain ownership but assist you with the full production of your book project and help bring your message to a diverse audience.
Cenece Dixon Publishing serves as a company who fully endorses our clients and simply as a guiding agent to lead our clients to a successful path of entrepreneurship as a published author!
Here are a few additional things you should know to consider whether Cenece Dixon Publishing is the best fit for you as well as if you are the best fit for us:
We do not accept or endorse manuscripts that include:
Bestiality (shape-shifters don’t count)
Bodily Functions (golden showers, etc.)
Sexual abuse of minors
Consensual sex with minors
However in the genre some might be considered if it is in the background of the story, or the build-up toward something happening.
(Under no circumstances will we publish sexual abuse of minors)

When you publish with Cenece Dixon Publishing you receive 100% profit for we are not here to gain ownership but assist you with the full production of your book project and help bring your message to a diverse audience.
Cenece Dixon Publishing will sell and distribute your books primarily via Amazon.com, local book stores and the client’s and publishing website. However, we do fully endorse our clients and display their books, and promote them at events, on our website; etc. This is an advantage of publishing through our site; you gain the knowledge and support you need as well as learn how the publishing process works.